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Tjaseer initiative

The real success of an entrepreneur or small business is marked by stability, long-term sustainability and profitability, and indeed the initial success of any new enterprise can often flounder before it grows into a fully mature business. Keeping this in mind, Zubair SEC sought to empower its members to take their business to the next level and position them for a sustainable future.

Zubair SEC launched the ‘Tajseer’ initiative which is a business development platform aimed at bridging between small businesses and large companies in the Sultanate to enable entrepreneurs to find opportunities for developing their businesses with some of the leading companies in Oman. The initiative offers an opportunity to network between representatives and decision makers of both sides, in a way that could result in positive outcomes for all. In this regard, Zubair SEC is devoting its efforts and various tools to create this cooperation and, at the same time, working closely with its members to ensure their readiness in matter of quality, professionalism, customer excellence, and production and service capacity to meet the needs of large companies and to build strong and enduring relations.