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Tajribati Session on Governance for SMEs

Date: August 6, 2019
Start Time: 3:30 pm
End Time: 5:30 pm
Location: Bait Al Zubair - Zafaran Cafe

You are invited to our February Tajribati Session discussing Governance for SMEs.

This session is organised in collaboration with The Pearl Initiative.

We will discuss the following points:

– How can SMEs overcome challenges they face while seeking financing?

– How can SMEs attract and retain required expertise?

– How can SMEs allocate time to focus on matters that contribute to success?

This session will host the following speakers:

Sayyid Hamid Al Busaidi, Executive Director at the Oman Center for Governance and Sustainability

Faris Al-Harthy, Project Specialist at Sharakah

Jamal Al-Wahaibi, Head of SME Department, Oman Arab Bank

The expert moderator was Sayyed Dr. Munther Al-Busaidi, Assistant Professor, Sultan Qaboos University and partner at The Firm

Seats are limited so please confirm your attendance by contacting us on or calling on 24737325 or 92838012

Looking forward to having you with us

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